About Us

Safety Secure Overseas, as the name suggests used to assist students for education and immigration options in Canada, USA, Australia and Newzealand. However, considering the increasing interest of the Indian students looking for education opportunities in other countries like Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Singapore and as per the changes in government regulations towards education opportunities to international students, Safety Secure Overseas has increased its access to students aspiring to move to countries other than Canada and USA.

There is an increasing trend among Indians to rise above and look beyond national boundaries for growth and better career prospects. Recognizing this rising need to provide assistance to continuously increasing outflow of Indian professionals, Safety Secure Overseas company is an undisputed leader in the field of overseas education consultancy today. Safety Secure Overseas has increased its access to students aspiring to move to countries other than Canada and USA. We understand that the decision to relocate to a foreign land is not always easy and is usually obstructed with apprehension and anxiety. At this stage, getting professional advice can do wonders to making candidates feel comfortable. The entire process of transcending from one’s native country to a foreign land is quite complicated and expensive, if not done effectively.

By hiring Safety Secure Overseas as your consulting partner it would be a wise decision based on valuable experience and relevant information that could lead to success. Safety Secure Overseas is optimally equipped to service students and professionals.


Our Goal Is Clients’ Success
And Future Growth

01.   We Believe In Quality

We identify and evaluate our working methodology to continually improve the quality of our work.

02.  Honesty

We are open and transparent with all our students at all times.

03. Integrity

We will grow the organization by following our tradition of providing the highest level of service to our students.

04.   Value

We provide an outstanding return on our clients’ investment by applying the full extent of our experience and expertise to everything we do.